
We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments, please drop us a line, give us a call or email us.

Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground
29 Pine Street
Hinsdale, NH 03451

Phone: (603) 336-6240 | Fax: (603) 336-6266


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Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground is located off Route 119 (Brattleboro Road) in southern New Hampshire. Enter your travel coordinates into a web-based travel mapping service to receive exact directions from your location.

GPS coordinates:
Elevation: 250.02 feet
Latitude: N 42 degrees 47.8713 minutes
Longitude: W 72 degrees 30.8160 minutes

Driving Directions

If you are coming from I-91 (North/South):

  1. Take Exit 1 toward Brattleboro.
  2. Turn Right (from 91 North) or Left (from 91 South) at the bottom of the ramp onto Canal Street/ Route 5 East/ Calvin Coolidge Memorial Highway.
  3. Go 1.2 miles to Bridge Street/ NH 119.
  4. Continue over the green bridge in Brattleboro into NH.
  5. Go past Walmart on your left.
  6. Go approximately 1/2 mile to Thicket Hill.
  7. Turn Left at the Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground sign on to Thicket Hill Drive.
  8. Go .2 miles up the hill. Go slow because you are in a residential area.
  9. Turn Right onto Ferncroft Drive.
  10. Go .2 miles, following the signs to the campground.
  11. Turn Left onto Whitney Drive.
  12. Proceed to the entrance of the campground at 29 Pine St.

From Rte. 2 (MA, RI)
If you are coming from eastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island, follow these directions to get to Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground:

  1. Take Route 2 West towards Greenfield, MA
  2. Turn right onto Rt. 63 North through Northfield, MA
  3. After Northfield turn left on Route 63 towards Hinsdale.
  4. At the Hinsdale Center stop sign, turn left onto Rte.119 West.
  5. Turn Right on to Thicket Hill Drive, at the Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground sign.
  6. Go .2 miles up the hill. Go slow because you are in a residential area.
  7. Turn Right onto Ferncroft Drive.
  8. Go .2 miles, following the signs to the campground
  9. Turn Left onto Whitney Road.
  10. Proceed to the entrance of the campground at 29 Pine St.

From Rte. 101W (NH, ME)
If you are coming from eastern NH or Maine, follow these directions to get to Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground:

  1. Take Rte. 101W toward Keene, NH.
  2. At the Keene Rotary merge onto Rte. 10 South.
  3. Follow Rte. 10 S to Winchester.
  4. Turn Right after the Rite-Aid onto NH 119W.
  5. Travel approximately 8.2 miles.
  6. Turn Right onto Thicket Hill Drive at the Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground sign.
  7. Go .2 miles up the hill.
  8. Turn Right onto Ferncroft Drive.
  9. Go .2 miles, following the signs to the campground.
  10. Turn Left onto Whitney Drive.
  11. Proceed to the entrance of the campground at 29 Pine St.

From VT-Rte. 9 (VT, NY)
If you are coming from Vermont or upstate New York, follow these directions to get to Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground:

  1. Follow VT-Route 9 East through southern Vermont into Brattleboro.
  2. At the “T” in Brattleboro turn right on Main St.
  3. Go south, in a little over a 1/4 mile turn left onto Rte. 119 heading into NH, continue over the bridge.
  4. Cross the Connecticut River into NH and continue on Rte. 119 for 4-5 miles.
  5. Turn Left onto Thicket Hill Drive at the Hinsdale RV Resort and Campground sign.
  6. Go .2 miles up the hill.
  7. Turn Right onto Ferncroft Drive.
  8. Go .2 miles, following the signs to the campground.
  9. Turn Left onto Whitney Drive.
  10. Proceed to the entrance of the campground at 29 Pine St. on your left.

We have experienced management on site available to answer your questions, help you locate essential services, direct you to points of interest in Hinsdale, and offer other assistance.

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